If radio were invented today, it would be all the marketing rage. Why? Because we live in an on-the-go society, and unlike newspaper or television, radio is with us everywhere; in the car, at work, and in the home. Radio is an affordable, mobile, and intrusive medium that provides advertisers with the ability to target a specific audience. When used correctly, radio provides a cost-effective marketing platform for nearly any type of business.
Radio can reach on-the-go consumers and allows you to establish a special relationship with consumers. Radio’s listenership remains strong, while time spent with other media declines. Radio can cost-effectively knock through the sea of media bombardment. Radio creates success with powerful and profitable on-location remote broadcasts. Radio’s unique formats allow you to target your best prospects. Radio reaches prospects closest to the point of purchase. Radio can bridge the gaps left by other media options. Radio provides unique specialized on-air promotions. Radio is king for establishing top-of-mind-awareness.