If you have competitors working to attract your customers, or if you want to consistently grow your sales and make more money, then advertising is a necessity. The key is to know who your customer is, and why they like to do business with you. Once you know the characteristics of your best customers, you simply need to target your advertising in a way that converts prospective customers with similar characteristics into loyal customers. It is important to remember that most businesses are simply unable to effectively be all things to all people. Always keep in mind that when you select a particular advertising vehicle (radio, television, print, outdoor), you are buying an audience. The goal is to buy the right audience for your business and improve your chances for success.
Advertising creates store traffic, attracts new customers, boosts and maintains morale, is an investment in success, encourages repeat business, generates continuous business, keeps your business top-of-mind, keeps you in the competitive race, gives your business a successful image, and businesses that succeed are usually strong, steady advertisers.